UNESCO Asia/Pacific Heritage Award of Distinction 2006 for the Conservation & Rehabilitation of Uch (2003-2007). As Senior Consultant contributed to the project for which World Monuments Watch funded the documentation and the restoration stabilized the three 15th century tombs with the deployment of innovative materials and techniques.
As Principal Consultant | Researcher led a team of architects, planners, engineers, and surveyors for a comprehensive policy report and inventory document for assessment and documentation to support government and donor agencies for reconstruction and redevelopment after the October 2005 earthquake in Pakistan for Prince Claus Fund, Cultural Emergency Response [CER] Program (2006-2007).
Co-researcher: “Architects and the Profession of Architecture in South Asia (2011)”, survey presented by Niels Gutschow in South Asia Exhibition, Munich.
Co-founder: IDEA – Integrated Development, Environment, and Architecture (2006), an independent platform for investigating Urbanism in the South and Central Asian context.
As Senior Manager and Activist contributed to the UNDP/GEF funded project to investigate climatically responsive, culturally sensitive, and cost-efficient architectural designs and dissemination of the results to grass root levels through community outreach activities. The project studied the vernacular architecture of Southern Punjab with respect to its efficient energy use but reviewed climatic data of the past 50 years to gauge the climatic changes in the area. Based on the research the project developed a manual of Appropriate Building Design for Uch and other Cities of Southern Punjab for the use of house builders/designers. Developed a reusable manual that has been applied for other cities.